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New DMD in Dhaka Bank Limited Darashiko Khosru

  Darashiko Khosru has been promoted as Deputy Managing Director (DMD) in Dhaka Bank Limited. Earlier, he was serving as Senior Executive Vice President and Chief Risk Officer of the bank. 

   Darashiko Khosru has nearly three decades of professional banking experience. He started his career in AB Bank. Later joined Dhaka Bank in 1995. He held important positions in Dhaka Bank for various periods. This information was given in a press release. 

 Darashiko Khosru successfully led Dhaka Bank as Head of Finance and Accounts Department. Apart from this, he served as the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the bank. Besides serving as the Chief Risk Officer of the Bank, he also supervised the GSD and Engineering Departments. Darashiko Khosru obtained his Bachelors (Science) from Dhaka University and MBA from a private university.